Monday, April 20, 2009

Madden Announces Retirement

And we salute him just as much as he saluted Brett Favre

There is no doubt that this guy will be missed. John Madden seemed to have something that other announcers did not, seemed to have a magic touch of some sort. He is, without a doubt, the greatest broadcaster of all time.

Football fans love to argue. From My team is better than yours to My team has a better waterboy than yours. But the fans all agree on one thing: We all love John Madden. He is just one of those guys that are impossible to dislike. How can anyone hate Madden? Something sets him apart. When your team's losing, don't you often mute the broadcasters because they won't shut up about how overmatched you guys are? But, for one reason or another, you can't find it in yourself to mute when John's calling the shots. Why? Because you have to love the way he broadcasts.
We fans love Madden so much we even decided to name a video game after him. This series of games, which adds a new game ever year, has sold better than any other sports video game. It has exceeded all other video games. Disagree? Then you tell me why we have televised tournaments every year for this game. There is no denying that we've seen a success rate that you just don't even come close to seeing from other games. Once again, Madden finishes far ahead of all the others.

Funny how it always seems to happen that way.

Madden has been to broadcasters what Joe Montana was to quarterbacks: an admired figure who just seems to be at a completely different level than everyone else. This guy has done so much, has done so well, that it is almost undescribable. I could write a novel about this guy and still not completely give him the credit he deserves.

We salute you, John, for revolutionizing the game of football, for revolutionizing sports video games, for revolutionizing broadcasting. Heck, what haven't you revolutionized? It was a great ride Mr. Madden. Thank you so much.

Lions release new logo

Yeah, it doesn't mean that they're suddenly going to go 19-0 next year, but you have to admit that the Lions new logo is pretty cool. The colors will remain the same, which is a bit of a disappointment, but at least something changed. If you haven't seen the new logo yet, it can be seen on

UPDATE: The Logo can now also be viewed in the upper left corner of this blog

Feedback: Got a comment on Madden or the Lions new uniforms?


Anonymous said...

Can you put a picture of the Lion's logo on your website?

Broken_Racquet said...

Sure thing. I just added it