Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More A-Rod

Alex Rodriguez answered the question that many were wondering about. Everyone just had to know. We all just had to find out. We were waiting. We were itching to hear the answer.
And we got it. In an interview following his confession to using performance enhancers, Rodriguez revealed how he got them. According to A-Rod, a cousin repeateedly injected him with a mysterious substance from the Dominican Republic from 2001 to 2003.
Don't take that the wrong way. Rodriguez is not making excuses. He wasn't afraid to say that it was no accident. "I knew we weren't taking Tic-Tacs," he admitted. Thus he is likely telling the truth.
So why the secrecy? Why doesn't he give us a name? The prime reasoning is that A-Rod is likely trying to protect his provider. He wasn't lying. He wasn't throwing the blame on someone else. He wasn't trying to make excuses.
We need to stop blasting this guy. He confessed up. He took the blame. What more do you want? We shouldn't be attacking the man just because he has yet to give us a name. Forget about names. It's not important. What's important is that he screwed up and he's sorry for what he did. Now it's time to forgive.

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